District Services » Homeless/Mental Health Resources

Homeless/Mental Health Resources

Newport School District recognizes its obligation to ensure that homeless students have access to the same educational programs and services provided to other district students. The Districts Homeless Liaison along with school staff shall identify homeless children within the district, encourage their enrollment, and eliminate existing barriers to their attendance and education, in compliance with federal and state law and regulations.
Policies, procedures and administrative regulations that create barriers for enrollment, attendance, transportation and success in school for homeless students, may be waived.
Homeless students are defined as individuals lacking a fixed, regular, and nighttime residence, including the following conditions: living in hotels, motels, camp grounds; living in emergency shelters (either transitional or domestic violence); unaccompanied youth and run-away children; families temporarily doubled up due to loss of housing (fire, eviction, etc.); living in cars, parks, public spaces. 
Resident families are encouraged to contact the District Homeless Liaison, Angela Quigley-Jones, 717-567-2529 and [email protected], to discuss their situation.